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As a physicist, I am interested in searching for answers to the fundamental questions of nature. In 1991 I was the first scientist in Italy to achieve atomic resolution by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Even today, I am still fascinated by the fact that we are able to look at, and move, individual atoms on surfaces. I love to see how they arrange in ordered structures and form materials with incredible properties, when we set the right growth conditions. My dream is to create materials to improve our environment, using our powerful nanotechnology tools to develop new solar cells, energy storage devices, and gas sensors.


Postgrad:      PhD, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 1986

Undergrad:   BE (Hons I) in Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, 1983


International recognition and a track record of more than 140 papers.

Chief Investigator in national and international projects on energy and nanotechnology (total $8.5M):

Research interests:

Surface science, Graphene synthesis on SiC for next-generation electronics and gas sensing. Hybrid 2D materials synthesis for nanoelectronics and photovoltaics application. New solar cells.  Carbon based supercapacitors. 2D and inorganic nanomaterials. Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy and Focused Ion Beam.

Currently funded research projects:

Q-CAS (2016-2017): Graphene-based Thin Film Supercapacitors

ARC Linkage LP160100051 (2016-2018): Establishing Advanced Networks for Air Quality Sensing and Analyses

Publications summary:

Refereed Journal: 160 (65 in the last 10 years); Conference Papers: 13 in the last 10 years; Patents: 1.

Citations: 3410 (GS). h index: 34. For full publication list see my Google scholar profile

Ten career-best publications:

  1. Liu J, F. Mirri , M. Notarianni, M. Pasquali, N. Motta, High performance all-carbon thin film supercapacitors, 274, p823-830, [2015]. Cites:3

  2. Notarianni, M, K. Vernon, A. Chou, M. Aljada, J. Liu, N. Motta, Plasmonic effect of gold nanoparticles in organic solar cells. Solar Energy, 106 p. 23-37. [2014] Cites: 39

  3. Gupta B, M. Notarianni, N. Mishra, M. Shafiei, F. Iacopi, N Motta [2014] Evolution of epitaxial graphene layers on 3C SiC/Si (1 1 1) as a function of annealing temperature in UHV, , 68, p563-572, Cites: 17

  4. M. Giulianini, E.R. Waclawik, J.M. Bell, M. De Crescenzi, P. Castrucci, M. Scarselli, N Motta[2009] Regioregular poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) helical self-organization on carbon nanotubes. . 95, 013304 Cites: 30

  5. Goh, R.G., J.M. Bell, E.R. Waclawik, N Motta. Effects of substrate curvature on the adsorption of poly(3- hexylthiophene) on single walled carbon nanotubes. , 88(5): 053101-053101-3 (2006). Cites: S: 27,

  6. Sgarlata,A., P. Szkutnik, A. Balzarotti, N. Motta, F. Rosei. Self-ordering of Ge islands on step-bunched Si(111) surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 83(19): 4002-4004 (2003). Cites: 53,

  7. Motta, N. Self-assembling and ordering of Ge/Si(111) quantum dots: scanning microscopy probe studies. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14(35): 8353-8378 (2002) cites: 39

  8. Boscherini, F, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, F. Rosei, N Motta, S. Mobilio.Ge–Si intermixing in Ge quantum dots on Si(001) and Si(111). 76, 682-684 (2000).Cites: 106.

  9. Rochet, F, G. Dufour, H. Roulet, A. Sgarlata, N Motta, M.N. Piancastelli, M. De Crescenzi. Copper phthalocyanine on Si(111) 7x7 and Si(001) 2x1: an XPS/AES and STM study. 319, 10-20 (1994). Cites: 50

  10. Balzarotti, A, M. Czyzyk, A .Kisiel,N Motta, M. Podgorny Local structure of ternary semiconducting random solid solutions: Extended x-ray-absorption fine structure of Cd 1− x Mn x Te, 30, 2295(1984) Cites: 159

Supervision: more than 20 students supervised or co-supervised. As a supervisor: 7 PhD students graduated; 1 Master and 3 honours students graduated; 3 current PhD students

Conference organization: Chairman of the School/Workshop NanoS-E3 (2007, 2009, 2011, 2013).

Associate Editor of: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, Advanced Device Materials, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Nunzio Motta

Professor, Principal Research Fellow

School of Chemistry Physics and Mechanical Engineering

Queensland University of Technology

2 George st

Brisbane 4001 QLD


n.motta at

ph: +61 7 3138 5104

ORCID Profile

Research funding:

Queensland University of Technology

Australia Research Council

Queensland Government

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