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I am interested in surface science in general.


Postgrad:      MSc. (Physcis) Queensland UNiversity of Technology (2012)

Undergrad:   BSc. (Physics) Queensland University of Technology (2007)

Current research:

Growth and Characterisation of Surface-Confined 1D and 2D Polymers.

Publications summary:

Abyazisani M, Bagheri-Mohagheghi MM, Benam MR. Study of structural and optical properties of nanostructured V2O5 thin films doped with fluorine. Elsevier, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2015;31:693-9.

Maryam Abyazisani

PhD Student

School of Chemistry Physics and Mechanical Engineering

Queensland University of Technology

2 George st

Brisbane 4001 QLD


Research funding:

Queensland University of Technology

Australia Research Council

Queensland Government

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